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The First 5 Things You'll Want to Know About Tablet Computers

The First 5 Things You'll Want to Know About Tablet Computers

If you're new here, or to Tablet PC's, there's a few things you should know. A few bits of information we should get out of the way first...

1. The Tablet I use is a PC, Not a Mac
Everything but the iPad is Windows based. Mac's tablet the iPad is more like a giant iPod Touch, it wasn't designed to have a stylus/pen input, but there are several apps for that now, but you can either type (using the virtual keyboard) or use your finger to write. Also, the only way you can get anything on the computer is through email, there are no input ports, but i understand on the iPad 3 that might have changed. But don't dispare, this is only the third version of the Mac tablet, and only the first since Steve Jobs passed, so there's bound to be a bit of a shake down cruise since he's gone, and they'll probably come out with one that has a few more input choices. In the mean time, there is an after market/third party 'upgrade' you can get that will turn a MacBookPro into a tablet computer, but I'm not sure of the cost. (If you're interested in that, leave a message here, or better yet email me at tmoodyca@roadrunner.com and I'll hook you up with people in the know about such things), i will tell you that from what i have seen it partitions the harddrive so that you can run both Mac & Windows. So you'd still be running Windows programs just on a Mac machine.

2. What Kind of Tablet is Right for Me?
There's two different types of Tablet PC's. A slate tablet, and a convertible. The slate does NOT come with a keyboard but is usually lighter in weight, but a bit more expensive. The convertible allows the screen to swivel all the way around and lay flat on top of the keyboard. These are a bit heavier (although not by an enormous amount), but they cost less. Poke about in this blog to find some of the manufactures of both types of computer, or contact me via email at the above address.

3. Using Tablet PC's On-Set
Every Tablet PC comes with the program - Windows Journal, Journal Note Writer, or something like that, in it. The name varies, but it's exactly the same program & Script Supervisor's can use this program to take their notes AND line their pages. It does NOT turn your handwriting into text. You can enter text in this program, it just takes a few more menu scrolls and pen clicks, but it can be done. You'll have to decide if it's worth the effort. Other programs I know Script Supers to use are Excel, Filemaker Pro, Access, Adobe Acrobat, & Bluebeam Revu (more about those last two in section 4.)

4. PDF Readers & Printers
You may not know what it is, but you're going to need it. It's a program (or programs) that will allow you to read and print your pages and forms into PDF. PDF is a universal format that every computer, both PC and Mac, can view. There's a couple of different ways to achieve this, some more expensive than others, but all viable ways to go. The Acrobat Reader is free and easy to download, but that's just about all it does. And there are several programs out there that are just PDF printer drivers and those are either free or at a nominal cost. Or you can go with a couple of different PDF Editors. These allow you to read, print and manipulate PDF files. The two most well known are Adobe Acrobat, and Bluebeam Revu. I believe both have a 30 day free trial that can be downloaded from their websites. (There are other PDF Editors out there, just Google for a list.) These can be used to take your notes and to line your pages as well. However there is a little bit more of a learning curve involved with all of them.

5. eBay - A cheaper way to shop
Ok, you've decided to jump in and do the deed, but you're a little tight on cash. Or you're still a bit skittish about the whole thing because you're a Mac and it's a PC. Here's my recommendation: go eBay. First you're gonna want to do a bit of research. Find the make and model of computer you like (HP, Lenovo, Motion Computing, Dell, Tablet Kiosk, etc.), then I suggest going to Fry's or Best Buy, or Sears, and basically fondling the merchandise. Find something that you like the feel of, the weight of. You like the way the pen writes on the screen. See what software it comes with (Microsoft Word, or Excel, etc.), what hardware (external hard drive, or keyboard, etc.). Find the one that's right for you. Do NOT skip this step, I know the research is often the boring part, but in this case it's important. You are going to have to spend at least 12 1/2 hours a day with this machine, and a fairly large chunk of money, so it should be something you like. After you've researched it and found the machine of your dreams, then head to eBay. First just see what they have to offer in tablets, you might find something you didn't know about. Then get down to business, and look for that one computer that will make your life complete. Now you might have to settle for last years model (so make sure you get the name and numbers correct), but if it comes at a significant discount (on the order of one half the price or so) you'll have a decision to make.

So there you are, the first five things you need to know. Go forth and compute.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunshades and Tripods for Your Portable Computer

The iVisor

Sunshades for your laptop or tablet computer. Note these guys also sell an adjustable tripod. You'll need the base plate too, but it's very sturdy and quite portable. But please ask questions before you buy.

These guys are incredibly nice and extremely helpful. Contact Tom Reid via their customer service email and tell him Tracy Moody told you to 'call'.

- Script Witch

Seaport Digital Products


Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result Pages: 1

Model Product Name+ Price Buy Now
I-Visor 15 IV1015 I-Visor 15 $79.99 Buy Now
I-Visor 18 IV1018 I-Visor 18 $69.99 Buy Now
I-Visor Curved Shoulder Strap IV1131 I-Visor Curved Shoulder Strap $14.95 Buy Now
i-Visor Pro LS IV1122 i-Visor Pro LS $159.99 Buy Now
I-Visor Support Platform IV1202 I-Visor Support Platform $29.99 Buy Now
I-Visor Tripod IV1230 I-Visor Tripod $99.99 Buy Now

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Power Toys for the Tablet PC

there are lots of games here, but a few actually useful programs as well. i really like the calculator, it's just kinda fun.

just hit the link to download some, most or all of them.

- Script Witch



Monday, May 25, 2009

Gatherings, Networking and Business Cards

As Script Supervisors we spend our professional careers as the only one of our kind on a particular set. Now you might have a 2nd Unit that requires another Script Super, or you sprain an ankle and need a few days off to get back on your feet, but if you've never had to interact with someone that does what you do, you'll have to rely on the Production Office, the UPM or any number of other decision making folks, to make that choice for you. There are several reasons you may not want to do that. You might want the incoming SS to use your note taking forms and method (continuity in the continuity department), and has the same work ethic that you do. Maybe the members of your cast or crew have certain...quirks...and you'd like to find someone that can accommodate or handle that or at least tolerate their 'strange' behaviour, you want to make sure there will no personality conflicts. And finally you might want to make sure that the incoming SS is a friend. You may scoff but I've heard horror stories of the visiting SS spending most of their time bad mouthing the first SS, either because they didn't like one another, or in an attempt to take the show from the original SS. And a word of advice to Script Supers who may think this a legitament practice, these stories get around, and you will find no one will employ you. If you can't be trusted you won't be hired more than once.

Ok, we've covered why you might need other Script Supers, so that means you're gonna need to meet other Script Supers. Where does that happen? Well there are many ways to do this. If you're in the union, go to union meetings. I know what a pain that can be, but that's where we congregate. Your union might have Craft Meeting or meeting specifically for just your classification. Or they will have social events, parties at holidays, summer picnics or get togethers. If you're non-union, contact the teacher that you took classes from and see if she/he has a contact list of SS's that are willing to answer questions. Or find out if she/he has continuing education classes, classes that concentrate on visual fx or getting onto computer, etc. Attend these, as many as you can, you'll find people that do what you do, and even some that don't, but any and all of them might be able to recommend you for your next job. If you've been an SS for many years be open to answering questions from less experienced people. And listen to what your own peers have to say, technology is changing the way we make movies (new cameras, new kinds of visual fx), which means it's changing the way we will have to do our jobs as well. Give yourself the ability to have a group of people to call or email if you have something new to you pop up on a job. Besides, you will probably get some free food, and you might find you've made some new friends.

And as you attend these events, bring your business cards, bring lots of them. Make sure they have your name clearly listed (no joking here, some have been so flowery you could hardly make out the important info), the numbers at which you can be reached, and your email address or addresses, the job title you're promoting yourself as, etc. While i recommend you personalize them, keep them simple and about the job you want to be hired for. Let's say you're a SS but you've also been a Set Decorator, or Production Coordinator, etc. make cards for each individual career you want to be considered for. Pass out the most appropriate card for that current crowd. This will require you chat up your potential card recipient, but that's why you go to these things, to talk to people and get noticed, to make contacts, and hopefully friends.

Now I know what you're saying to yourself, business cards can be expensive. Not necessarily, there are several online companies that will print your first couple of hundred for free (as long as you choose from their samples, and there are many), plus pretty minimal shipping. Even they usually have the ability to allow you to upload your own pictures and logos for a bit more. But check them out, see what you think. I have used VistaPrint.com in the past and have been perfectly satisfied with their products. I recommend a Google search of business cards and I'm sure you'll come up with another 3 - 5 more companies that do the same thing.

Alrighty, so now you have found some events you're going to attend, you are armed with your business cards what do you do now? We're a pretty social bunch we movie people. We like and watch movies, we like to tell funny stories about jobs we've had, and people we've worked with. If you have a specific question or problem you've run into on set, tell them what you did, and ask the advice of others. Another great way to start a conversation is to bring up a really cool new product you may have found. For example: some really comfortable shoes, or a great new skin friendly sunblock, or a fabulous new kind of set chair. Write the name of the item on the back of your business cards for those interested and you've just accomplished two things, getting your contact info to others and possibly getting them to call you about this nifty new product. Now some don'ts. Don't act too needy, you do and you're going to quarentee no one will call you. We'll know the only reason you want to talk is about getting work, you couldn't care less about making friends or being helpful to others. Don't come off angry or bitter, for whatever reason, not about lack of money or jobs (see above) not about dating, not about anything. You're no fun to be around, so why would you expect anyone to want to? Don't monopolize the conversation, let others talk. But don't try to force a connection either, some folks are just shy or uncomfortable talking about themselves. Pick another subject, but if nothing changes, smile and move on to someone else.

If this all sounds a little like dating, in a weird kinda way, it is. When you first get a job, it's easy to assume you won't know a soul of the 60 - 100 member crew. You might, but maybe not. You're about to spend a minimum of 12 1/2 hours a day or more, 5 days a week or more, with these people... it feels a little like a blind date doesn't it? So making contacts is really no different, both require that you present yourself in a pleasant and attractive manner that makes people want to spend more time with you. In this case, hopefully for money :)

Now, go forth and Network!

- Script Witch

Friday, May 22, 2009

Active Ink Software

this software almost instantly converts your handwritten info into text. i haven't had a chance to really play with this yet, but i feel it has some real potential. take a look at the tutorials, i think you'll agree.

- Script Witch

Active Ink Logo
Tablet PC Software Specialists
Dedicated to Electronic Form Data Entry

Home Products Services Solutions Contact About

Link to the Demos page: http://activeinksoftware.com/aidesignerdemos.html

Data Capture Solutions
There are many ways to capture data, but the best solutions simplify data entry. Active Ink's Smart Form solutions enable you to capture handwritten words, signatures, digital text and voice. They also integrate with GPS devices, cameras, barcode readers and magnetic stripe readers making the data collection process quick and easy and saving you time and money.

Most businesses rely on a number of different forms to process information. With Active Ink's Smart Form approach, it's easy to create a workflow that mimics your paper process. These Smart Forms look exactly like your paper forms, only they are intelligent and can do a lot more. They can validate data, convert handwritten ink to text, calculate numbers and pre-populate other forms. The training required is minimal because these Smart Forms can be filled out just like your paper forms. Whether you need a custom designed solution, a pre-packaged solution or wish to build your own forms, Active Ink Software has a solution to meet your needs.

MyScript Stylus - Converts Handwriting to Text

With MyScript Stylus, give handwriting a natural place in the computer world!

Select your platform and test our FREE 30-day trial:

MyScript Stylus 3.0 is a powerful and interactive input method which replaces keyboard inputs by handwriting in applications requiring text entry, converting natural handwriting into digital text in real time.

Designed for pen-based input devices (such as Touch Screen PCs, Tablet PCs, Digital Pens, Electronic Tablets, Interactive Whiteboards, Netbooks and Mobile Internet Devices), MyScript Stylus 3.0 handles
26 different languages for devices running on Windows, Mac or Linux.

Discover the main characteristics and features of MyScript Stylus 3.0:


The highest recognition accuracy rate on the market,


Possibility to choose your writing style: write naturally, or letter by letter, whatever suits you,


Converts 26 different languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Danish, Dutch, English (Canada/ UK/ USA), Finnish, French (Canada/ France), German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil/ Portugal), Russian, Spanish (Mexico/ Spain), Swedish, Turkish.


Recognition of intuitive gestures to insert words, spaces, line breaks or delete text and words (like cross outs, scribble outs, etc.).


For top-notch accuracy, create a personal dictionary of specific words or acronyms and a personalized writing profile, thanks to the Trainer module.

Discover all functionnlities in the MyScript Stylus datasheet.

Should you have any questions about MyScript Stylus, please contact the MyScript support team.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Verizon's New MiFi - Portable Wireless Router

you too can be a portable wireless router.

- Script Witch

Verizon MiFi 2200 review

by Chris Ziegler, posted May 13th 2009 at 12:01PM

We've been following Novatel's MiFi with bated breath since its December announcement, and the totally pocketable 3G / WiFi router has finally graced a US carrier. Though it'll ultimately come in a variety of physical designs, bands, and radio technologies for different carriers and parts of the world, the MiFi 2200 for Verizon naturally packs CDMA with EV-DO Rev. A, which means uplink speeds should be reasonably speedy to go along with your 1Mbps-plus downloads. Obviously, the concept of a credit card-shaped object connecting up to five WiFi-enabled devices to high-speed internet from wherever the road takes you is an incredibly intoxicating one -- but does the MiFi 2200 deliver? Let's have a look.

Gallery: Verizon MiFi 2200 review

Our MiFi came "unactivated," meaning that although Verizon is aware of the device's ESN and has it registered to the correct account, it can't be used to connect to the internet until some specific communication occurs between the box and the carrier (the same is true of any modem on Verizon or Sprint -- the MiFi isn't alone in this minor annoyance). Fortunately, this is a one-time process, but it's kind of a pain; you'll need to cable up the MiFi to a Mac or PC to do it, which steals some of the fun you've undoubtedly envisioned of pulling the modem out of the box, firing it up, and immediately connecting to it over WiFi (you can actually do it if you like, you just won't get 'net access).

When you connect the MiFi to a computer using the included micro-USB cable, two cool things happen: one, the MiFi begins charging, and two, a drive mounts to your machine (strangely, on the first Mac we tried, we were never able to get it to mount -- we're not sure whether it was the machine's fault or the MiFi's). This drive contains Windows and Mac versions of VZAccess Manager, which you'll install and use to run through a quick wizard for activation; afterwards, you can continue using it for controlling your MiFi while it's tethered to the computer just as you would any other modem. Personally we find carrier-branded connection managers annoying and avoid them at all costs; the MiFi makes this easy with its WiFi capabilities, but there's no harm in keeping Manager installed just in case.

Now that you've got the bad boy activated, the cable comes unplugged -- and this is where the real magic begins. Using the MiFi couldn't be simpler; pressing the power button on top swings the device into action, exposing a cloud of WiFi that can connect up to five devices at once. By default, the network is protected by a WPA password printed on a sticker on the back of the device, but this can be changed by logging into the web-based admin console along with a host of other options -- basically everything you'd expect to see from a basic wireless router for your home. You can change the SSID and toggle its broadcast, choose between WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption, use 802.11b, g, or both, set MAC filters, port forwarding, and so on.

Connecting was a breeze. It'd generally take fifteen seconds or so from power-up before we were able to see the MiFi's network, and we never once had trouble attaching to it. Once you're connected, the box takes care of the nitty gritty details of dialing into Verizon's airwaves, and you can just go about your business as you would connected to any other hotspot.

We saw about 1.5 to 1.8Mbps down and 350 to 400kbps up while using the MiFi in downtown Chicago, with virtually no difference between WiFi and tethered mode (of course, you'll see these figures drop as you share the network with your friends). These numbers are more or less in line with what you'd expect from a Rev. A device, and it doesn't appear that you're taking any hit from using WiFi or from the overhead of routing -- in other words, traditional modems are starting to look a little endangered to us here. Battery life is never an issue, because you can always just cable up and recharge while you continue to work.


Put simply, our hats go off to Novatel and Verizon on this one. The MiFi is drop-dead awesome in basically every meaningful way, and we'd be shocked if every top-tier carrier in the world wasn't actively looking into adding it -- or a device very similar to it -- into their lineup. Unless you have a very specific, compelling reason that you require an ExpressCard or a USB stick style modem, the MiFi's simplicity, flexibility, tethering capability, and no-compromise performance make it the way to go for your mobile data needs.

InkSeine Update Released - Great Tablet App

this is a very interesting Tablet PC only program, it's being produced from almost a Microsoft think tank group of guys. They refer to it as Windows Journal Note Writer (which is the program I currently use to do all my note taking as well as script lining) on steroids. I've played with the previous versions, and even made suggestions on their forums about improvements (they encourage this actually), and I'm sure I'll download this version as well.

Check it out, see what you think. Go to their website and watch the video tutorial, all very interesting stuff.

- Script Witch
New Version of InkSeine Released

InkSeine Update Tablet PCOur good friends at Microsoft Research, Raman and Ken, have released a new version of InkSeine that addresses a lot of issues and introduces some new features. Users of InkSeine should see the update notification pop-up when they exit out of InkSeine. It can also be downloaded directly from here (if you download it directly rather than going through the update wizard, be sure to uninstall the previous version first). Note: this version does not currently work with XP, but they are working on a fix.

InkSeine Update Tablet PC

Here is a quick run down on some of the issues and new features.

* Windows 7 Support. InkSeine’s search features now work on Windows 7.
* Inking Performance.
We fixed some issues with our ink stroke capture and rendering that produces a much snappier feel for drawing in InkSeine. This is a significant improvement for most tablets; if you have a UMPC like the Samsung Q1 series or an OQO Model 02, the difference is dramatic.
* New Page Viewing Options and Scrolling within Pages (see details below)
* Hide / Show the Arc
The arc with all your pens and other tools on it now has a small +/- symbol on it. Just tap it to hide or show the tool arc. I find it’s great to hide the arc when I’m really concentrating on a full page of notes, or projecting an informal presentation that I’ve sketched up in InkSeine.

* Tool Ring in task tray. The InkSeine Tool Ring now resides in the system task tray. For the many people who run the “ScrollControl.exe” application separately from InkSeine, this will make it easier to manage.
* Print margins bug fixed. Printing from InkSeine now always scales the page correctly so that the entire page will be visible on the printout; previously InkSeine would sometimes clip off the margins.
* File loading bug fixed. We fixed an obscure bug that on rare occasions would cause opening of certain InkSeine files to fail. Thanks to everyone who helped us track this down!
* New Page viewing options
* Scrolling within Pages - without a Scroll Bar

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

PDF Annotator 2 on Super Sale 2 Days Only - May 19 & 20

I know absolutely nothing about this program, but thought i'd post it anyway, in case someone else does. Please make note of who gets what discount when. They aren't the same sellers for both days.

- Script Witch

If you’ve been hankering for a PDF annotating solution for your Tablet PC but have not been wanting to fork over the cash, then May 19th and May 20th are going to be your lucky days.
On May 19th, PDF Annotator 2 will be on sale, via BitsDuJour, for one day only at $34.95 - that’s 50% off the normal $69.95. Here’s the link you’ll want to hit up on Tuesday, May 19th.
Then, on May 20th, there will be a very special one day discount for students only: $14.95, which is 50% off the already low student price of $29.90! Here’s the link for all you cash-strapped students to hit up on Wednesday, May 20th.
Remember, these are one day sales only, so you’ll want to act quickly.

HP TouchSmart tx2z for $649

check this out. nice looking machine if your looking for a convertible tablet. and a sale! who doesn't love sales? But hurry, because the coupon part is only available for a very short time.

- Script Witch

Deal of the Day: HP TouchSmart tx2z for $649

HP is offering a $250 coupon on TouchSmart tx2z convertible tablets on top of a $20o instant discount. This means you can score a well-configured tx2z for $649.99. Deal includes 4GB of RAM, 320GB hard drive and free shipping. Visit Logic Buy for full details and the coupon code.


Wood and/or Bamboo Directors Chair

And for a more traditional director's chair we have the very comfortable Holllywood Chairs. Padded seat and firm padded backrest make these chairs fantastic to sit it. Downside is they're not very portable. Best for long stays on a stage. Check in the accessories page, they have a swing arm desk, big enough to hold a laptop or tablet pc.

i can vouch for this chair because i have one of these. it's so comfortable but i will say it's not very portable. of course it might be because i got the medium height not the short bamboo one. but if you live in the San Fernando Valley, go to their shop and test drive one. you'll want one of your very own.

- Script Witch



Monday, May 18, 2009

Amazing Folding Directors Chair

Nifty folding on set chair. Pricey but compact. I recommend watching the little video too. Just to see how to fold it back up and get it back into the rather cool messenger bag it comes in. Hopefully it's not like a map, where once you unfold it, it's almost impossible to get it back to it's original size.

As a side note i have a theory on maps. I think they are de-oxygenated (it's like dehydrated only without the water thing) at the factory. Once you open up a map and it hits the air, it expands to 3 or 4 times it's size. That's why you can never fold it up again.

Of course I could be wrong on this.

- Script Witch

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Watch The Messenger Bag Director's Chair in action
Flash player required.
Watch The Messenger Bag Director's Chair in action.

The Messenger Bag Director's Chair.
Rated "Best Overall" by The Wall Street Journal, this portable director's chair folds to about the size of a laptop and stores in an easy-to-carry messenger bag (play the video). Telescoping legs and a folding backrest enable the chair to fold to less than 4" thick in seconds. Easier to transport than the bulky sacks that accompany lesser models, the chair's messenger bag straps over a shoulder and across the chest for simple, hands-free portability to an outdoor concert or campsite. Despite weighing only 9 lbs., the chair supports up to 250 lbs., thanks to its rugged aluminum and steel frame and 600-denier nylon mesh seat. Unlike lesser portable chairs that sag as you sit, this superior unit's seat and backrest remain taut, providing support during prolonged periods of sitting. The armrests have an integrated cup holder and two pockets. Open: 34" H x 22" W x 17" D; Folded: 3 3/4" H x 20" W x 12" D. (9 lbs.)

Watch The Messenger Bag Director's Chair in action.

Item 76519 ................... $129.95
How many?