As Script Supervisors we spend our professional careers as the only one of our kind on a particular set. Now you might have a 2nd Unit that requires another Script Super, or you sprain an ankle and need a few days off to get back on your feet, but if you've never had to interact with someone that does what you do, you'll have to rely on the Production Office, the UPM or any number of other decision making folks, to make that choice for you. There are several reasons you may not want to do that. You might want the incoming SS to use your note taking forms and method (continuity in the continuity department), and has the same work ethic that you do. Maybe the members of your cast or crew have certain...quirks...and you'd like to find someone that can accommodate or handle that or at least tolerate their 'strange' behaviour, you want to make sure there will no personality conflicts. And finally you might want to make sure that the incoming SS is a friend. You may scoff but I've heard horror stories of the visiting SS spending most of their time bad mouthing the first SS, either because they didn't like one another, or in an attempt to take the show from the original SS. And a word of advice to Script Supers who may think this a legitament practice, these stories get around, and you will find no one will employ you. If you can't be trusted you won't be hired more than once.
Ok, we've covered why you might need other Script Supers, so that means you're gonna need to meet other Script Supers. Where does that happen? Well there are many ways to do this. If you're in the union, go to union meetings. I know what a pain that can be, but that's where we congregate. Your union might have Craft Meeting or meeting specifically for just your classification. Or they will have social events, parties at holidays, summer picnics or get togethers. If you're non-union, contact the teacher that you took classes from and see if she/he has a contact list of SS's that are willing to answer questions. Or find out if she/he has continuing education classes, classes that concentrate on visual fx or getting onto computer, etc. Attend these, as many as you can, you'll find people that do what you do, and even some that don't, but any and all of them might be able to recommend you for your next job. If you've been an SS for many years be open to answering questions from less experienced people. And listen to what your own peers have to say, technology is changing the way we make movies (new cameras, new kinds of visual fx), which means it's changing the way we will have to do our jobs as well. Give yourself the ability to have a group of people to call or email if you have something new to you pop up on a job. Besides, you will probably get some free food, and you might find you've made some new friends.
And as you attend these events, bring your business cards, bring lots of them. Make sure they have your name clearly listed (no joking here, some have been so flowery you could hardly make out the important info), the numbers at which you can be reached, and your email address or addresses, the job title you're promoting yourself as, etc. While i recommend you personalize them, keep them simple and about the job you want to be hired for. Let's say you're a SS but you've also been a Set Decorator, or Production Coordinator, etc. make cards for each individual career you want to be considered for. Pass out the most appropriate card for that current crowd. This will require you chat up your potential card recipient, but that's why you go to these things, to talk to people and get noticed, to make contacts, and hopefully friends.
Now I know what you're saying to yourself, business cards can be expensive. Not necessarily, there are several online companies that will print your first couple of hundred for free (as long as you choose from their samples, and there are many), plus pretty minimal shipping. Even they usually have the ability to allow you to upload your own pictures and logos for a bit more. But check them out, see what you think. I have used in the past and have been perfectly satisfied with their products. I recommend a Google search of business cards and I'm sure you'll come up with another 3 - 5 more companies that do the same thing.
Alrighty, so now you have found some events you're going to attend, you are armed with your business cards what do you do now? We're a pretty social bunch we movie people. We like and watch movies, we like to tell funny stories about jobs we've had, and people we've worked with. If you have a specific question or problem you've run into on set, tell them what you did, and ask the advice of others. Another great way to start a conversation is to bring up a really cool new product you may have found. For example: some really comfortable shoes, or a great new skin friendly sunblock, or a fabulous new kind of set chair. Write the name of the item on the back of your business cards for those interested and you've just accomplished two things, getting your contact info to others and possibly getting them to call you about this nifty new product. Now some don'ts. Don't act too needy, you do and you're going to quarentee no one will call you. We'll know the only reason you want to talk is about getting work, you couldn't care less about making friends or being helpful to others. Don't come off angry or bitter, for whatever reason, not about lack of money or jobs (see above) not about dating, not about anything. You're no fun to be around, so why would you expect anyone to want to? Don't monopolize the conversation, let others talk. But don't try to force a connection either, some folks are just shy or uncomfortable talking about themselves. Pick another subject, but if nothing changes, smile and move on to someone else.
If this all sounds a little like dating, in a weird kinda way, it is. When you first get a job, it's easy to assume you won't know a soul of the 60 - 100 member crew. You might, but maybe not. You're about to spend a minimum of 12 1/2 hours a day or more, 5 days a week or more, with these people... it feels a little like a blind date doesn't it? So making contacts is really no different, both require that you present yourself in a pleasant and attractive manner that makes people want to spend more time with you. In this case, hopefully for money :)
Now, go forth and Network!
- Script Witch