anyway, have run across a lovely gentleman, Cliff Joyce, that is developing software for the iPad 2 that will be usable for Script Supers, i met with him today what he showed me, and what we talked about were pretty cool.
basically it will be a series of iPads that are connected to a network & they'll be able to share information (metadata) between themselves. things like circle takes, we circle something and it comes up on both the sound & camera man's iPads. things like that. i won't list everything we talked about here because it was at least a 2 or 3 hour chat & i'm still going over things in my mind and jotting down notes to send to him.
i'll keep you all posted but i have to say, i'm really excited about this.
i'm also excited about all the new tablets coming out, many of these faux-Pads look really promising for light weight, long battery life, working possibilities. i'm going to try and contact some of these manufacturers and see if i can get either some demo units or find a convenient location where i can go see them.
again, i'll let y'all know what i find.
if you see anything that looks promising, toss it my way. i'd love to take a look at it.
these are incredibly exciting times people, let's keep our eyes & ears open and we might change how movies are made.
now, go forth and compute