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The First 5 Things You'll Want to Know About Tablet Computers

The First 5 Things You'll Want to Know About Tablet Computers

If you're new here, or to Tablet PC's, there's a few things you should know. A few bits of information we should get out of the way first...

1. The Tablet I use is a PC, Not a Mac
Everything but the iPad is Windows based. Mac's tablet the iPad is more like a giant iPod Touch, it wasn't designed to have a stylus/pen input, but there are several apps for that now, but you can either type (using the virtual keyboard) or use your finger to write. Also, the only way you can get anything on the computer is through email, there are no input ports, but i understand on the iPad 3 that might have changed. But don't dispare, this is only the third version of the Mac tablet, and only the first since Steve Jobs passed, so there's bound to be a bit of a shake down cruise since he's gone, and they'll probably come out with one that has a few more input choices. In the mean time, there is an after market/third party 'upgrade' you can get that will turn a MacBookPro into a tablet computer, but I'm not sure of the cost. (If you're interested in that, leave a message here, or better yet email me at tmoodyca@roadrunner.com and I'll hook you up with people in the know about such things), i will tell you that from what i have seen it partitions the harddrive so that you can run both Mac & Windows. So you'd still be running Windows programs just on a Mac machine.

2. What Kind of Tablet is Right for Me?
There's two different types of Tablet PC's. A slate tablet, and a convertible. The slate does NOT come with a keyboard but is usually lighter in weight, but a bit more expensive. The convertible allows the screen to swivel all the way around and lay flat on top of the keyboard. These are a bit heavier (although not by an enormous amount), but they cost less. Poke about in this blog to find some of the manufactures of both types of computer, or contact me via email at the above address.

3. Using Tablet PC's On-Set
Every Tablet PC comes with the program - Windows Journal, Journal Note Writer, or something like that, in it. The name varies, but it's exactly the same program & Script Supervisor's can use this program to take their notes AND line their pages. It does NOT turn your handwriting into text. You can enter text in this program, it just takes a few more menu scrolls and pen clicks, but it can be done. You'll have to decide if it's worth the effort. Other programs I know Script Supers to use are Excel, Filemaker Pro, Access, Adobe Acrobat, & Bluebeam Revu (more about those last two in section 4.)

4. PDF Readers & Printers
You may not know what it is, but you're going to need it. It's a program (or programs) that will allow you to read and print your pages and forms into PDF. PDF is a universal format that every computer, both PC and Mac, can view. There's a couple of different ways to achieve this, some more expensive than others, but all viable ways to go. The Acrobat Reader is free and easy to download, but that's just about all it does. And there are several programs out there that are just PDF printer drivers and those are either free or at a nominal cost. Or you can go with a couple of different PDF Editors. These allow you to read, print and manipulate PDF files. The two most well known are Adobe Acrobat, and Bluebeam Revu. I believe both have a 30 day free trial that can be downloaded from their websites. (There are other PDF Editors out there, just Google for a list.) These can be used to take your notes and to line your pages as well. However there is a little bit more of a learning curve involved with all of them.

5. eBay - A cheaper way to shop
Ok, you've decided to jump in and do the deed, but you're a little tight on cash. Or you're still a bit skittish about the whole thing because you're a Mac and it's a PC. Here's my recommendation: go eBay. First you're gonna want to do a bit of research. Find the make and model of computer you like (HP, Lenovo, Motion Computing, Dell, Tablet Kiosk, etc.), then I suggest going to Fry's or Best Buy, or Sears, and basically fondling the merchandise. Find something that you like the feel of, the weight of. You like the way the pen writes on the screen. See what software it comes with (Microsoft Word, or Excel, etc.), what hardware (external hard drive, or keyboard, etc.). Find the one that's right for you. Do NOT skip this step, I know the research is often the boring part, but in this case it's important. You are going to have to spend at least 12 1/2 hours a day with this machine, and a fairly large chunk of money, so it should be something you like. After you've researched it and found the machine of your dreams, then head to eBay. First just see what they have to offer in tablets, you might find something you didn't know about. Then get down to business, and look for that one computer that will make your life complete. Now you might have to settle for last years model (so make sure you get the name and numbers correct), but if it comes at a significant discount (on the order of one half the price or so) you'll have a decision to make.

So there you are, the first five things you need to know. Go forth and compute.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

On-Set Cup Holder

photo gallery:

this item looks pretty cool. i intend to buy one and do a test drive. will let y'all know what i think once i've used it for a bit.

if anyone else has seen it, bought it, used it let me know how, and if, you like it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3 Outlet Corner Power Surge Protector With USB Charger 6ft

3 Outlet Corner Power Surge Protector With USB Charger 6ft

i think this looks kinda cool. it's a small surge protector with USB charger outlets, and at $16.00 not a bad price.

i really like this website. they have all kinds of interesting and useful things, at very good prices & the shipping is unbelievably fast. they're in No. Calif. so that might be why.

check 'em out, see whatcha' think.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Continuity for iPad on the iTunes App Store

ok, they've added some features, corrected the one big thing we all hated (no way to have just a number with no letter at the top of your line), added a log of sorts, and raised the price by $5.00.

go take a look and see whatcha' think.

Continuity for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Padlette V2 iPad 2 & Tablet Grip Handle Review - Gadget and Accessory Reviews - Gadgetmac

Padlette V2 iPad 2 & Tablet Grip Handle Review - Gadget and Accessory Reviews - Gadgetmac

a carrying device/handle for your iPad or Touch Tablet PC

yes i know i've said i don't own an iPad, but this thing will also fit many/most of the tablets current out or coming soon. including but not limited to those by Samsung, HP, Toshiba, and more. and it's only $19.99 at Amazon.com

and they look good too.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Designated Nerd dot com :: Software :: Time Converter 24 Free

Designated Nerd dot com :: Software :: Time Converter 24 Free

here's a handy dandy little time converter that changes your normal clock time into military time. for those pesky timecards.

it also lets you figure out how many hours you worked in a day without 'melting your brain' as the publicity on the site says.

oh, and did i mention it's free? and you know how we love the free...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pogo Sketch

Pogo Sketch

a stylus for the iPad. i've played with one like it, and have to say, wish it had more of a point for making smoother lines.

and yes, i'm aware that that is problematic for the capacitive touch screens...

Fling Joystick for iPad

Fling Joystick for iPad

nifty looking suction cupable joystick that you stick right on your iPad screen. not sure if it'd be useful for us, but you Mac folks should take a look and see what you think.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's Summer Again

whether we are digital or pen & paper we Script Sups need our shade. take a look at this.

Wondershade™ Portable Umbrella

Sunday, April 24, 2011

streaming video to your iPad

so i ran across this and thought it might be of interest to my fellow Script Sups.  it allows you to stream video from an HD camera to your iPad.  now i think you'd need some capture software to grab some screen shots, but it might be useful for those 5D or 7D shows if they're run & gun with little or no monitor support.  the LINK is in the TITLE of the post.  (sorry about that)

just thinking out loud here.

and speaking of iPads, here are several links to apps either out there or in development for SS friendly software.

Movie Slate - he's expanding it's capabilities to include SS useful abilities but here's the original app
and here's an interview with the developer

Script Supervisor - it's not out yet either, but you can watch a video of it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Interesting Happenings

i haven't posted in awhile because i've been lucky enough to be 1.) working and 2.) taking on 'other' projects. some of those 'other' projects are entertainment related, and some aren't. i won't bore you with the ones that aren't. i promise. ok, i might mention them, at some point...

anyway, have run across a lovely gentleman, Cliff Joyce, that is developing software for the iPad 2 that will be usable for Script Supers, i met with him today what he showed me, and what we talked about were pretty cool.

basically it will be a series of iPads that are connected to a network & they'll be able to share information (metadata) between themselves. things like circle takes, we circle something and it comes up on both the sound & camera man's iPads. things like that. i won't list everything we talked about here because it was at least a 2 or 3 hour chat & i'm still going over things in my mind and jotting down notes to send to him.

i'll keep you all posted but i have to say, i'm really excited about this.

i'm also excited about all the new tablets coming out, many of these faux-Pads look really promising for light weight, long battery life, working possibilities. i'm going to try and contact some of these manufacturers and see if i can get either some demo units or find a convenient location where i can go see them.

again, i'll let y'all know what i find.

if you see anything that looks promising, toss it my way. i'd love to take a look at it.

these are incredibly exciting times people, let's keep our eyes & ears open and we might change how movies are made.

now, go forth and compute